Hormone Replacement Therapy

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Bioidentical Hormone Therapy or Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy For Women – What Is It?

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement

Also called bHRT, bioidentical hormone therapy refers to specifically compounded hormones that are identical to those found in your body.  These hormones are manufactured to have identical chemistry to those produced normally in your body.

Is bHRT Right For You?

This is best addressed through a thorough conversation with your GP or hormonal specialist.  All therapy that involves hormones need to be carefully considered, and very specific procedures followed to ensure that the kinds of hormones, dosages and delivery method is suitable for you.

Your doctor will take an extensive medical history, including your symptoms and changes, and then perform a battery of specific blood and urine tests to determine your current hormone levels.

With this information your doctor will design a specifically dosed hormone treatment plan for you.  This will include a combination of progesterone, testosterone, estrogen and other hormones – designed to give you a balance of hormones that helps with your symptoms.

Your medication may come in the form of a cream (to put on your skin), troche (a lozenge that dissolves in your mouth – most common), capsules or pessary.

You can find Experienced bHRT GPs at:  Caboolture Super Clinic

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